Me and Jake got married on July 1, 2007! On June 10, 2008 we had Tristan! Let me tell he is a crazy child. He is walking around everywhere! He's such a good little boy! We have two dogs- Dewey & Sparky!
This weeks challenge for I ♥ Heart Faces is Blue. I love the color blue but I had a hard time trying to find a photo that contained some blue in it. This photo is of my son playing and eating sand..haha..I took this Labor Day weekend while up at my parent's lake house in Michigan.
This weeks challenge for I ♥ Faces is "Completely Candid". I had a tough time trying to figure out which photo I wanted to use, but I think I found a good one! :) I took this labor day weekend while up at my parent's lake house! There were lots of kids there so I had a lot of photo opportunity!
So for Labor Day weekend, Jake and I thought we were just going to stay home and work around the house all weekend..because I didn't find out if I worked or not until Saturday. Awesome right?! Not so much. And actually I didn't have to work until the 12th. Crazy schedule. So I got off 3 hours early on Saturday, came home and planted some flowers and mowed the lawn while Jake stained the fence and the deck. Josh came over and babysat Tristan while we were outside working.
Later Saturday night around 9:30pm we left for Lake Walloon to join the family for Labor Day weekend! We didn't arrive until 2:30am..long drive...but we had a great weekend!!! Lots of yummy food!!! Thanks Mom! :) Lets see..we also went jet skiing, canoeing, went on a boat ride, played badminton, sat by the campfire, ate some more food and took lots and lots of pictures!!! Here are actually a few photos from this past weekend! Enjoy!
This weeks non-competitive challenge on I ♥ Faces is "Before & After". This will not be judged. Everyone is to share photographs that they took when they first started to get serious about photography. And then a photograph or two of what they have learned about editing from participating in the challenges each week on I ♥ Faces.
So I have always loved photography. Think it runs in the family. Ha! We always told my mom that she was camera crazy! :) B/c she was always taking pictures on every trip that we went on. When I started to really enjoying taking pictures was about 5 or so years ago. The only photographs I took were of landscaping, flowers and animals.
So here are two pictures that I took while we were in Mackinaw Island at the Butterfly house. At the time I thought these were awesome pictures and I still really like them.
When I first started taking photographs of people was when my son was born. It may have been also when my niece Addison was born. But not as much as when Tristan was born. I was the paparazzi, taking pictures whenever a cute opportunity came! :) Not a bad thing though, at least I'll have enough pictures to choose from for his scrapbooks! Ha!
So here are a few pictures of my son, nieces and nephews that inspired me to photograph children!
Now for the "After" part of the challenge. Since I have taken those photographs I have learned quite a bit about my camera. The first picture I played around with my shutter speed. It's not an awesome picture, but I was just playing around with the shutter speed. And I thought it was pretty neat!
I have also recently started working at JCPenney Portrait Studio, so working there has helped me use different poses with my son and family.
My son in the pink cozy coup! My son getting his first haircut!
So join everyone at and show what you have learned over the years in photography!