So Jake, Tristan and myself went to the fair last night..we were originally going to watch Morgan ride her horse but she ended up not doing that. So we grabbed some yummy fair food!! Mmmm...taco salad! We also got a funnel cake and some cotton candy! Yum! :) Then we headed around to every animal barn there was to show Tristan all the cute animals..we even got to see some baby pigs being born! It was a cool experience. I guess she had 13 all together! Anyways here are some pictures of last night! Enjoy!
Trying some strawberry smoothie!

Mama pig and her babies!

Tristan really liked the tractors

He liked the bunnies too!

I thought this goat was really cute! I love the floppy ears.

This is Frank-800 lbs

Petting Morgan's horse Star

Oh and I have an interview today with JCP Portraits!!! Wish me luck!
YEAH FOR THE FAIR! Good luck today KT!
It looks like Tristan loved everything about the fair....way to go Tristan cause your Mom loves that place!
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